Sunday, June 11, 2006

2 WorldS - so NeaR, YeT so FaR

Its been long since i've written.May be it was the excitement of the fact that I was beginning to write..

This blog is something I had thought of about 2-3 months back, just hoping to retain my original thoughts..

The 'two worlds' I refer to are two different stages of a human's life - childhood and adulthood.

Do you love kids? Most of us do.. rite?? Ever wondered what makes us love them? Are we even conscious of the fact that we love them.. I suppose most often it is an un-conscious process... I am attempting to understand, if not all of it, atleast some portion of it...

When we were kids, we wanted to grow up very fast, be in control of people who controlled us, be able to do all that we wanted to without absolutely any sort of interference. The grown-ups seemed to have all the power in this world. They are the ones who make all the decisions, have money, drive cars/bikes, watch television for long hours while we study etc... While this is what we thought that we wanted to do, we also did what we knew the best - play hide-and-seek, fight for petty things and again become friends almost everyday, cry for chocolates and ice-creams, read comics and watch cartoons, be playful, comic, simple and guileless; in short, as innocent as we could ever be.

As we grow up, and come across all that we wanted to do, and are not able to do quite the same things, most of become nostalgic. "Yaar, I wish I cud go back to school. or I'd give anything to live my childhood once again". Not that there is something right or wrong in it; its simply human and I am referring to this tendency of man to evade the reality and be anachronistic for sometime. Something similar to the old phrase - "The grass always seems to be greener on the other side". Its like while we live in the world we do, we always crave for a life in the other world.

So our love for children cud possibly arise out of the fact that we are all trying to picture our lives in their; because we know that we may never be as innocent as them , as simple as them, again (unconsciously again , may be). Now it may seem, that as a child it was far too easy to cry, laugh, fool around, be naughty; I mean it seems so effortless. Now to do the very things, one may need to think. Not that is not possible, its just that in our efforts to conquer all that we wanted to we "forget" behaviors that came to us so naturally. However, some people are still good at them. And these are probably the people with whom children are able to better connect than those who are "trying to picture" their lives in kids and have "forgotten" their old behaviors.

Thus, while these two worlds, see the other pass by them everyday, each wishes to be on the other side only to want to come back someday.
As far as the blog goes, I may not have have been to capture all that I felt in the days I had initially thought of it; nevertheless I have attempted to pen down something "we all know". Another reason cud be the fact that I am thinking of a feeling that I recently experienced, (which some of you may know if you had got my SMS) :

"A beautiful day ... After tomorrow"

I am planning to write more on that. Hopefully I'll write, before another thought conquers ma mind.


FrostAtMidnite said...

Rahul, the comment to this post, I'm posting as a seperate post on my blog. I do hope to come arnd the intricacies of the blog and link the post to here. lemme check if i can do that! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi dear,
Exactly, what I used to think when I used to see my cousin doing all the naughtiness and be a brat, while I used to sit and watch her bothering her mom and me. My aunt used to get irritated but I still loved her being a brat rather I liked her being brat.
Whatever you wrote brought back memories when I was in college, when I used to think that I still need to be a kid and be pampered by everybody, no responsibilities do whatever your heart says. May be I still think that way but past cannot come back "FOUR THINGS COME NOT BACK: THE SPOKEN WORD, THE SPED ARROW, THE PAST LIFE AND THE NEGLECTED OPPORTUNITY"
Nair Rincy